How to Prevent Hate

Report. Support. Educate

Report hate crimes and hate incidents to the police, to a community organization such as MPAC, and the institution, business or school in which the act took place. Keep in mind, the law protects your right to maintain confidentiality, unless you request otherwise. If possible, document the hate act with detailed notes such as:

  • Date
  • Time of incident and
  • Detailed personal account of what happened, including any derogatory comments made

Support victims of hate by assuring them that they are not alone and that assistance is available. (Victim assistance may include medical, financial and legal support depending on the individual case.)

Cultural Sensitivity / Awareness ? One of the root causes of hate is ignorance; therefore it is important to tackle the deeper issues underlying hate. Furthermore, MPAC promotes moving beyond tolerance and towards appreciation. It is important to increase our knowledge of other cultures and religions and their perspective traditions to enhance our understanding and polish our application of sensitivity when interacting with each other. Speaking to non-Muslims and Muslims about Muslims in America, the nature of Islam, especially in light of current events, is an effective way of combating the ignorance and hatred.

Education - Increasing our knowledge about the different types of hate crimes and incidents and discussing them with family and friends on a societal level can bring awareness to their occurrence and instill a sense of responsibility to combat our own prejudice.

Speak up against acts of hate.

Lobby elected officials and policy makers for stronger hate crimes legislation and the promotion of victim rights at the state and federal levels. Community leaders willing to take a stand against bigotry also play a critical role in advancing this end. Whether the Mayor, police chief, college president, school principal, corporate CEO, every key leader has the capability to transform an act of hate into a positive community experience.

Unite with other communities to create a diverse coalition of advocates who will organize special events condemning hate violence and celebrating diversity. Coalitions can be built with community groups, campus groups, local law enforcement, and more.

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